
The unit has private parking for 2-3 cars, underneath the complex.

The clearance for this private parking is 2.1 metres

If you have a taller vehicle, Cullen Bay has four other public carparks nearby. All are under CCTV.


Public Transport

Closest Conveniences

Food shopping: Coles & Woolworths (delivery available)

Take-away alcohol: IGA, Cellarbrations, Vintage Cellars & BWS

Major Shopping Centres: Casuarina Square & Gateway

Hospital: Royal Darwin Hospital

General Practice Doctor: Northside Health NT

Gym: Rich Life Health & Fitness

Day Spa: Ella Bache

Massages & Facials: Amalfi BodyTeca

Marina Mooring 

To transit through the Cullen Bay lock in your vessel, you’ll need to contact the Lockmaster at least an hour before your desired entry time and lock movements run on the hour. You’ll also be required to re-confirm your entry 15 minutes prior to your scheduled arrival time.

Lock opening times

6am to 11pm on the hour, other times by special arrangement

Cullen Bay Marina is an all tide access marina

Cullen Bay Lockmaster contact:

Available 24 hours; 0419-421-363 and VHF Channel 11

More information:

Weather (live)

Wind (live)

UV Rating (live)


Sunrise & Sunset (live)  

Tide Times 

Rainfall (live)  


Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia)

seasons calendar

Balnba (rainy season; Balnba gulugi bigarrk - big rain coming) - November/December

Dalay (monsoon season) - January/February

Mayilema (speargrass, Magpie goose egg and knock ‘em down season) - March/April

Damibila (Barramundi and bush fruit time) - May/June

Dinidjanggama (heavy dew time) - July/August

Gurrulwa guligi Season of ‘big wind’ - August/September

Dalirrgang Build up time - September/October

Beach & Marina